My mom had a wound, and when she was in rehab we were concerned because she had developed MRSA in it. We were concerned that it was going to be spread throughout her body. We were referred to Dr. Bhatia by her physician and have gotten excellent care from him and his staff since we’ve been here. She comes to see him almost weekly. The wound has gotten a lot smaller and the infection went away. We are very happy with the results. We are also happy that with the fact that I don’t have to leave work early, I can come on Saturdays at my convenience and bring her. I know that she is getting the care she needs. The wound has gotten a lot smaller, there are seven children, and we were all very concerned. I emailed them and let them know about how well she is doing, which has relieved their concern. My husband and my brother now come to Dr. Bhatia for his Podiatry services because of the care that he has provided for my mother.

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